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Better Health
Service through

Better Health
Service through

Various clinics, hospitals, and medical institutions are often faced with high levels of talent waste.

Various clinics, hospitals, and medical institutions are often faced with high levels of talent waste.

Due to the ineffective management of the professionals time, under or overbooking of staff is usually the reason for the loss in in-house budgets.

Onest Approach

The Intelligence provided by Onest forms part of your executive decision-making team, operating across our core capabilities:

Through predictive analysis, Onest helps health care service providers manage staff better, by managing staff allocation, based on predicting whether a patient will attend or miss his appointment.

Onest also helps in real-time monitoring of health metrics to identify potential health problems before they develop and turn into aggravating issues.

Using Internet of Things devices, patients can be tracked even after they are released from hospitals, and if their health vitals are performing below the expected values, patients are called in for a follow-up appointment.

Onest Approach

The Intelligence provided by Onest forms part of your executive decision-making team, operating across our core capabilities:

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Zak Borg


Michael Psaila

Business Unit Leader

Zak Borg


Michael Psaila

Business Unit Leader

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